Around the property

Yesterday I showed you a picture of the facilities that we use, now I will show you what the people use.

This is the outside restroom:




Here is a cow walking past the property:


I just love the bird on her back.

This is the baptistry for the church, it is located outside of the building.


This is a playground that was built for the children. The benches are colored to match the colors of the wordless book. Jerilyn shared that Pastor Raju was challenged to win someone to the Lord on the first bench. Each time he won someone to the Lord on the benches, they added a bench until they had all the colors of the wordless book.
The children had a “penny” offering during Vacation Bible School and raised enough money to purchase a slide for the playground this last year. Jeff is sitting on one of the benches in this photo.


This is a little sitting area. It is so peaceful out here it is called  Psalm 91:

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